Friday, September 25, 2009

God's Ideal of Marriage.

Sorry I have been MIA lately; I have been emerged in the Word here lately. Its a good thing right?

Last week I touched on God's Ideal of Marriage and learned quite a good bit.

For this reason a man and woman will leave
his father and mother and be united to his
wife, and they will be one flesh.
Genesis 2:24
Throughout my reading I learned these things:
  • I shall submit myself to my husband; I should give him my ALL . I shall respect my husband at all times.
  • Marriage is something that should be honored my everyone; it is WAY more than just a piece of paper; it goes deeper. The marriage should be kept pure at all times; never should anyone stray outside of those bonds. They are sacred. God will judge the adulter.
  • If my husband does not fully believe in the word of God, it is my responsibility to show him the way by my actions and my mind set.
  • Beauty is not physical which it should not be; you should not love someone because of their looks; you should look DEEP inside a person to find the "REAL" beauty.
  • Even though I submit myself to my husband he should still be considerate and respect me just the way I respect him.

Resources used:

Ephesians 5:21-32

Hebrews 13:4

1 Peter 3:1-8

Tomorrow: Communication in Marriage.

If anyone has any other bible verses to suggest on this topic, Please let me know. :)


Whitney G**

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Whew; what a long two days!

First things first; my poor Christopher man is sick. He has been running a fever all day & has an upset tummy. He has done nothing but lay in the bed & watch cartoons. My poor punkin.

Caroline had her 4 months shots yesterday; she is weighing in at 13 pounds 14 ounces & is 24 inches long. :) & Christopher is only 25 pounds. haha. :)

On other matters; my husband made a LARGE dicision on tuesday. He has decided to quit smoking. This is HUGE for us & I will continue to pray that he will follow through.

I do have a few questions weighing on my mind.

1. Is looking at pornography a sin?
2. Is using objects during sex with your husband/wife a sin?
3.Why is cussing a sign?

Theres are just a few things that have been on my mind that my husband & I have discussed; if any of you have the answers; I would appreciate your help. :)

Thank You. :)

GOD is amazing.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

God has blessed me with sooo much.

Well; after having a REALLY bad bad day. The day got better in the matter of 5 minutes. That is all it takes. Lets start with the bad day. First things first; I was very tired this morning & the past two months when it comes around to "THAT" time my moods get crazy! very crazy! Eric and I had a rather large disagreement which caused us to argue for majority of the day. What fun. Secondly, I found out that Caroline's crib was recalled which is the same crib that we used with Christopher when he was still a baby. The company that makes the crib is no longer in business so therefore we have to return the crib to the store we bought it from. Wonderful right? Not so much. I called WalMart and they agreed to take it back which means I have to take the crib apart and then find someone to take me to town because it will not fit in my car & seeings as I have NO receipt they will give me the last price they sold it for which for my luck could be about 100$. Mind you I bought this crib in 06 which means that it might not even be worth 100$. So after I stressed myself out to the max our landlord/friend told me that he still had his sons crib that we could use. It doesn't match like the other one but I am NOT complaining! A TRUE blessing for sure. So the plan is this: Take the old crib back; get what we can out of it & save that money for bills, Christmas, etc seeings as times are getting harder and harder this month. So that was a good high for the day. Then however; I was cooking dinner when a knife fell off of the counter and stabbed me right in the foot. I mean literally stabbed me. Pointy part and all. HORRIBLE!!! It still hurts.


As the kids & I are reading our bedtime stories which always includes "Llama Llama Red Pajama" Christopher decides that he is going to finish the sentences on EVERY page. He is only TWO! I could not believe what I was hearing; it was beyond amazing and of course it brightened up my entire day. I believe that God wanted me to have a hard day so that I could realize that everything doesn't have to go as planned and everything does not have to be perfect. Which I have a hard time accepting that because I want everything on a schedule & to be perfect; haha. Its who I am. I have a little bit of OCD I believe.

The point being is this: God is great, God is good & He has truly blessed me with so much and it takes hard days to see it all. :) :) :)

The kiddos have doctors appointments tomorrow. I am very curious to see how my little Marshmellow is growing. :) & of course its 4month shots this go round.

Prayer Request: If you all could please keep my Aunt Jean in your prayers; she has been sick for over a week now and it isn't getting any better. She went to the doctor today but they couldn't give her any answers. I pray this passes quickly for her; it is really taking a toll on her. THANK YOU!

Sunday, September 13, 2009


What brings me joy? I have SO many things that bring me Joy. My two beyond amazing children bring me more joy than I ever could have imagined. My hardworking, loving, caring, understanding husband, brings me joy. But, what brings me the most Joy is the new relationship that I have found in the Lord. He is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. I have never been SO in love with anyone in my whole entire life & my love continues to grow with every page I read and everyday that passes by. Joy is the Lord Jesus Christ. :)


Ive been slacking I know.

I have totally been slacking in the daily six section of my blog. Truth is; I have been beyond busy! I cant believe how busy I have been.

Ever since I asked the Lord into my heart my life & marriage has been totally turned around. It is beyond amazing. I couldn't ask for anything better. It is of course still a work in progress but it is definitely worth it and I can not wait to see what good God has is store for me.

Eric & I have been doing our devotions daily and they are really helping us communicate more and we really just enjoy doing them.

The devotion we did on September 9 is now posted on our fridge and I am under strict orders to read it every time I begin having a bad day. It is called "Motherhood as a Career" and it truly changed my perspective of being a stay at home mom.

Titus 2:4,5
That they may encourage the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be sensible, pure, workers at home, kind, being subject to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be dishonored.

This really moved me and made me realize how "blessed" I truly am to be a stay at home mom with both of children & I praise God and my husband for that everyday.

Stayed tuned: Tomorrow I shall post about "Joy" to celebrate my dear friend TeriLynne's 100th Post. :)

God is GOOD!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Daily Six- Sept 9

  1. I got to take a nap this morning thanks to my amazing husband who got up with the kids.
  2. I got to have lunch with my & Jean Jean + the kiddos.
  3. Christopher has started this new thing were he says "give me a kiss DARLIIIINNN". haha. It is the funniest thing ever.


  1. I got our lightbill & now I have to figure out how we are going to get by for the next two weeks.
  2. I got our phone bill; Dido to number one.
  3. Christopher had an accident on my floor again today.

Times are getting very very very tough for us right now & I pray to God that things will get better for us. If everyone could keep us in the their thoughts & prayers I would greatly appreicate it. I trust in the Lord and know that things will work out.

Also; some pointers on how to read the bible would be appreciated. I need a system.

The Daily Six- Sept 8

  1. Eric was off.
  2. We had a nice lunch at a new resturant.
  3. Eric cooked me dinner.


  1. Found out that i should expect my timing belt to go out at 60,000 miles.
  2. It was wayy to hot to go to the park.
  3. Eric & I had a disagreement that pretty much ruined the whole day.

Monday, September 7, 2009

The Daily Six- Sept 7

  1. I throughly enjoyed keeping Zack today & so did Christopher.
  2. I got some much needed cleaning done.
  3. I got to visit with my daddy.

Not so Good

  1. Christopher decided that he didnt know how to act at the grocery store.
  2. Caroline has been really really fussy today.
  3. I am beyond tired and so ready to go to sleep.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

The Daily Six- Sept 6

Here it is:

  1. I asked God into my life today at church and fully meant it.
  2. Christopher helped me make dinner. :)
  3. The kids had a visit from Grandpa Dean and got a few new things.

Not So Good

  1. I ran out of pullups completely and cant get any until Wednesday.
  2. Eric told me that he has to work a double tomorrow. :(
  3. I didnt get a visit from my dad today.

The Daily Six- Sept 5

Here is is:
  1. I got to go out & catch up with the girls which I havent done in a good while.
  2. Christopher told me all about his trip to Aunt Gails in complete detail.
  3. Eric & I did our devotions which are actually helping us communicate alot better.


  1. Christopher hid my phone & told me it was hiding; come to find out; he hid it in the bathtub!
  2. I had Ants in my car.
  3. My daddy caught what we had and he was sick all day yesterday.

Friday, September 4, 2009

The Daily Six - Sept 4

Here it is; the daily six. :)

  1. Christopher & I made dinner together. :)
  2. Christopher & I made cupcakes together.
  3. I found a sitter so I could go out tomorrow night with some friends.


  1. Eric is sick & had to come home early from work.
  2. I forgot to take my medicine this morning.
  3. I've been cranky pretty much all day especially to my sick husband.

Proverbs 5- Warning against Adultery

What is adultery?

Is it just the mere act of being with another mans wife or is it more than that? Is it looking at another man's wife; having sexual thoughts about someone else? Is looking at pornographic material adultery?

How do you know exactly what adultery is? In Proverbs 5 it is basically stating that you shouldn't touch another mans wife that your wife should be all that there is, She should be enough; but What if she isn't?

The Daily Six-Sept 3

Here it is; the daily six. :)

  1. My mother came and brought us some groceries and took Christopher for the night.
  2. My amazing father came and brought me some gatorade.
  3. I got to catch up on my sleep.


  1. I was sicker than a dog.
  2. Christopher had a rough day with potty training.
  3. Eric caught whatever I had.

There it is in a nutshell. The bad outweighs the good today.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Daily Six

I was given this suggestions today by someone who helped me tremedously and I have decided to give it a shot. Every day I will list 3 good things that happend today and 3 bad things that happend today; I do better typing than I do writing. :)

  1. I met someone who helped me a GREAT deal and helped me make a very big decision and a great one at that.
  2. Caroline laughed for the first time today.
  3. Christopher gave me at least 50 kisses today for no reason at all.


  1. Eric had a very hard time with the kids this morning while I was gone.
  2. Christopher has learned to place his fingers in his ears and ignore me.
  3. It did nothing but rain all day long.

Rock Bottom- The beginning

Not too many of you know but; I have been struggling with my life over the past two years. Struggling hard; mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. I have never really had a very close relationship with God. But; everyday I find myself falling farther and farther towards this big black hole and it scares me. I feel like there is something missing; something that I don't have that I need & after today; someone has helped me realize what that is. It is God tugging at my heart; telling me that I need him. & I do. I really really do. I need God in my life. I want to follow his path. I am more than ready to hand him my life; what choice do I have left. I am at rock bottom; I need to get out of this place and I believe that with God's help; I can do it. I am determined to learn all that I can about God, etc. & live my life the way he wants me to live my life. I need this. & This is my journey. Its not going to be easy and it might take me a while; but as of today; :I am 150% sure that I want to give my life to God. How do I do this? Ask him to take it?
We shall see; this is only the beginning.