Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Rock Bottom- The beginning

Not too many of you know but; I have been struggling with my life over the past two years. Struggling hard; mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. I have never really had a very close relationship with God. But; everyday I find myself falling farther and farther towards this big black hole and it scares me. I feel like there is something missing; something that I don't have that I need & after today; someone has helped me realize what that is. It is God tugging at my heart; telling me that I need him. & I do. I really really do. I need God in my life. I want to follow his path. I am more than ready to hand him my life; what choice do I have left. I am at rock bottom; I need to get out of this place and I believe that with God's help; I can do it. I am determined to learn all that I can about God, etc. & live my life the way he wants me to live my life. I need this. & This is my journey. Its not going to be easy and it might take me a while; but as of today; :I am 150% sure that I want to give my life to God. How do I do this? Ask him to take it?
We shall see; this is only the beginning.


  1. Whitney, I am praying for you. Thank you for allowing me to spend time with you today ... it was a great blessing to me.

  2. You are more than welcome; it helped me soo much and I lookin forward to spending more time with you in the future. :)
