Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Daily Six- Sept 9

  1. I got to take a nap this morning thanks to my amazing husband who got up with the kids.
  2. I got to have lunch with my & Jean Jean + the kiddos.
  3. Christopher has started this new thing were he says "give me a kiss DARLIIIINNN". haha. It is the funniest thing ever.


  1. I got our lightbill & now I have to figure out how we are going to get by for the next two weeks.
  2. I got our phone bill; Dido to number one.
  3. Christopher had an accident on my floor again today.

Times are getting very very very tough for us right now & I pray to God that things will get better for us. If everyone could keep us in the their thoughts & prayers I would greatly appreicate it. I trust in the Lord and know that things will work out.

Also; some pointers on how to read the bible would be appreciated. I need a system.


  1. Whitney, we need to get together again. Next week ... I'll see if I can find you a good devotion book to use before then to help you read your Bible. Praying for you!!

  2. Thank you; Im not a really big fan of the system they have in this bible; I cant grasp it.Looking forward to seeing you again.
